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 a new me =D

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Location : Gibraltar

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PostSubject: a new me =D   a new me =D Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 5:17 pm

i have been listening to devildoc on xfire and am gonna do as he says... if i am rude of imatture please do the following... but depending how immature i am...

1st and 2nd: time tell me that im being rude or imatture.
3rd: warn (!w).
4th: kick from server.
if i still am being immature 5th time: day ban.

how that sounding? plz comment.

i think its a good plan but thats me...

afro afro
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PostSubject: Re: a new me =D   a new me =D Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 7:06 pm

50 as I told you on xfire. You say you have changed or a re changing but you were still VERY immature on xfire less than 30 secs after you told me you were changed. Notice how no one else is even taking the time to try and respond to you? Maybe that should tell you something...Not trying to be a dick but think about it logically here for a sec or two... The fact of the matter is that you WERE warned TWICE by me (as any bf2cc logs will show) and yet you still continued. Why should we make a special exception for you and not for everyone? "being disruptive will result in a ban" That is directly off of our server loading page... What makes you so different from anyone else? Those same rules apply to members, even MORE so, than non-members. We as members and admins are held to a higher standard. It seems to me in the past 2 years or so that you have failed to meet those standards time and time again...
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PostSubject: Re: a new me =D   a new me =D Icon_minitimeSun May 02, 2010 10:32 pm

Holy shit!! I have now seen it all! What we have here is a bad apple clan member TELLING US how to deal with him in our server. I was unaware that we were running a day care. But if we are will some one push me on the swings. There is more self-control on the front seat of the short bus. It is time to get the Joint Chiefs (platoon leaders) together and put an end to this disgrace. No more talk, no more explaining, just action! Are we }}E-F{{ or are we NATO? Either we can keep sanctions on 50 cent of we can nuke him. Sorry 50, but you have out lasted you use in this clan ( my opinion ).

A little word to the wise, be very cautious in your response here. I expect your rebuttal and opinion but watch how you explain and word it. Even thou your days I believe are up here, leave with dignity and honor.

Need ammo?
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Location : Gibraltar

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PostSubject: .   a new me =D Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 9:02 am

}}E-F{{topher96 wrote:
Holy shit!! I have now seen it all! What we have here is a bad apple clan member TELLING US how to deal with him in our server. I was unaware that we were running a day care. But if we are will some one push me on the swings. There is more self-control on the front seat of the short bus. It is time to get the Joint Chiefs (platoon leaders) together and put an end to this disgrace. No more talk, no more explaining, just action! Are we }}E-F{{ or are we NATO? Either we can keep sanctions on 50 cent of we can nuke him. Sorry 50, but you have out lasted you use in this clan ( my opinion ).

A little word to the wise, be very cautious in your response here. I expect your rebuttal and opinion but watch how you explain and word it. Even thou your days I believe are up here, leave with dignity and honor.

Need ammo?

what i was trying to say is can you tell me that im being immature or whatever im doing coz i dont see it and you guys do, if i get kicked or baned strait away then i wont know what for, but if you could tell me what im doing i can stop doing it, when you get baned it just says you have been baned coz of teamkilling or by a admin or something like that...
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}}E-F{{ Neumonic

}}E-F{{ Neumonic

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PostSubject: Re: a new me =D   a new me =D Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 9:58 am

I just can't believe you are still here with your mouth and actions when in game! I have left a game or chose not to get in game when I see you on. It has only been a handful of times but it has happened.

No further comments.

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PostSubject: .   a new me =D Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 10:46 am

ok, i suppose i must look for a new clan, ive been in this clan since i started playing battlefield 2 and have met good people and members, i just havent been a good member or person Sad
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PostSubject: .   a new me =D Icon_minitimeMon May 03, 2010 10:50 am

@cj hung or jen. you might aswell keep the ban coz as much as i would love to play in the server no one wants me to so you will prob never see me again Sad only if i would have seen how much of a pain i am maby things would different. Sad
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PostSubject: Re: a new me =D   a new me =D Icon_minitime

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