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 Strategies by Floyd !

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Posts : 520
Join date : 2009-01-02
Age : 52
Location : Myrtle Beach , SC

Strategies by Floyd ! Empty
PostSubject: Strategies by Floyd !   Strategies by Floyd ! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2009 4:34 pm

Hi this is the Squad leader death match post

First of all, you are making my feel like a part of the family thanks. floydblack

Squad Leader Death Match
1. form squad
2. ('Idea')The main objective to hunt and kill the opposing squad leader.
3. The squad leader with the least deaths wins the match.
4. Matches between squads during regular server play
5. On }}E-F{{ server with random players.
6. Anyone can start a squad anyone can play in a squad.
7. Challenges can be made at any time.
8. Challenges start the beginning of the next round if accepted
8. In the event of a tie the squad with the most points wins.

If you are interested start Challenging today!

I cant wait to start having matches so if you see me on the other team lets here it.
We need squads. Only without training, organization, tactics, and communication.We cant hope to compete. We each kick a few azziz, but the skill of the individual only goes so far with the physics of bf2 for example if two people are shooting the same hit box thier bullits are more effective ('Cool')just made that up . SQUAD play is where its at!

Last edited by }}E-F{{*GoA*CJ* on Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:37 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Posts : 520
Join date : 2009-01-02
Age : 52
Location : Myrtle Beach , SC

Strategies by Floyd ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strategies by Floyd !   Strategies by Floyd ! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2009 4:36 pm

squad leader training

Following some or all of these guidelines will make; for those players who want to create an immersive and efficent squad environment, for a more satisfying and probably successful game.

This guide isn't a training guide for fireteam movement, or specific infantry tactics as this is covered elsewhere.
Infantry tactics in simple terms involve the basic move, observe, fire, and basic "rollouts" and pepperpotting (covering fire for advance toward enemy). I assume some basic knowledge of this for those reading this.

If you dont know basic infantry tactics.. go read the excellent guides on this forum, with a degree of infantry tactics good comms will redouble your efficiency in the game. If you dont know what basic "fire and manuevre" looks like. Go watch "Heat", "Dog soldiers", or ask a mate in the army. Or ask on the forums or an experiencd SL in-game.

=Limitations of VOIP in PR=
*As with the main Vanilla BF2 game, there are limitations to the voice comms built into the game, and tournament players and other clan players will sometimes use their own voice systems, such as ventrilo or teamspeak (used in the tournament).
*There is a certain degree of delay introduced when speaking to your squad so voice comms is often best used for situations where you might otherwise use a radio, but it can be very effective at close quarters to inform your squadmates on imminent threats they may not have spotted, or as a SL for giving movement or fire orders.

I notice that a lot of radio VOIP comms consists of a Squadleader who has the confidence to speak often giving orders (good). Trouble is this often results in the SL giving -most- of the information on enemy and tactics and not listening enough. Now and again, one other guy (or girl) or two in the squad speaks up a lot, but we often have 4 silent ones, or so who only speak when they are dying.

Firstly, the SL if the other members of the squad do not speak up and call out the enemy positions, the SL tends to get shot, and has to lead most of the movement and assaults on objectives. This can cause problems, as we all know that given the choice you take out the pointman, hopefully resulting in the death of the most able or squad leader.

Clearly for most radio calls, you need to know where the rest of your squad are. So, if you are too far apart, guess what, stick together. Good voice comms is not a substitute for mutual support.

You will find that with many successful squads that silence reins more often than constant chatter. That is why concise, unambigious, and consistent target identification and fire-discipline orders are necessary. If as SL you prefer to only hear target identification information from your squad and nothing else, spell it out to your squad. Personally I give small (few seconds) briefings as to re-organisation points prior to attacks or defences, then a 10 sec brief on how we will assault the target after hearing any target assessments from commander and the rest of the squad.
Either that or if a team member i hear from blind or TBone or Dr_Rank or whoever is squadleading B1ind: "Don't shoot him... get your knives out".
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Posts : 520
Join date : 2009-01-02
Age : 52
Location : Myrtle Beach , SC

Strategies by Floyd ! Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strategies by Floyd !   Strategies by Floyd ! Icon_minitimeSun Jan 04, 2009 4:37 pm

=Useful Basics=

Try to keep your nicknames short(ish) and if complicated use an abbreviation i.e. Pwn567GunnerX could just be cut down to "gunner" or "X" on the comms.

*When calling out enemy, state Elevation, Range (estimate or precisely if you have Binos), posture and direction of movement. Clock face movement should be directed realtive to the axis of advance. So if your squad is advancing to the east toward an enemy flag a contact 90 degress to the pointman's right (who spotted them) would be. A fair rule of thumb is about 1m to each stride at a running pace in PR.

i.e. "Contact!, Enemy MG 3 o'clock Rooftop High" (useful landmarks should be mentioned such as the fact that they are on the roof, not the window in the same direction).

*"Reloading!" - Tells your squad that, guess what you are reloading. When you hear this command it is often during a period of suppressing fire from a key member of the squad covering an advance.
*"Coming through!, Advancing!" tells your buddy who is forward of your position that you will be advancing past (but not in front of his position).
*"Stay in your lanes" - Tells the squad to not cross over each others direct forward line of fire.

==Key Points to Remember==
*Dont be shy, speak up, (some SL's do all the talking and forget that more is sometimes achieved by allowing and encouraging their squad to speak to one another, so if you are in a squad like that start off with "<callsign> here contact enemy squad <location>" that will get them listening believe me as precise information like that can save an engagement.
*obey orders, but suggest courses of action if you think they might have missed something.
*think of the team not yourself, so comms about enemy heading to a team-member will often benefit the team more than telling them you are under fire, or down, the medic in the team will usually know you are down and out.
*if you think the SL hasn't seen something, tell them
*Use comms efficently, "oh damn that sure was painful man, they have sure pinned us down here, did you see that guy by the box." this statement tells nothing about the situation or the threat... in which case shut up and K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple stupid).
*Have confidence as SL so dont be afraid to tell your squad to be quiet or to "Clear comms" perhaps if you are trying to concentrate on speaking to or listening to the commander, or only report in a concise way.
*Multi-task if possible - SL's dont forget you have two radio keys,, one for talking to your commander, one your team. And if you are a squad member, dont get yourself killed for a non-essential chat or information that isn't essential.
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PostSubject: Re: Strategies by Floyd !   Strategies by Floyd ! Icon_minitime

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